In four short weeks, it seemed my whole outlook on life had shifted. Coming home proved to be more difficult than I had imagined it could be. I didn’t feel like I fit in anymore. All I wanted to do was to talk about travel, but nobody seemed to care. Beyond a quick overview of my trip, none of my friends were interested.

I quickly fell back into a routine, I worked 6 days a week but I was bored out of my mind. My life was lacking excitement, to liven it up I went through a particularly slutty 6 months. I thought I could make myself happy back in boring Connecticut but after 6 months I was still dying to get out and see the world. I just had no idea how to make that dream a reality.

I took a few trips over the following months in an attempt to satisfy my evergrowing wanderlust.

In August the bakery I worked for closed for a week for vacation so I went to Block Island to visit a friend of mine who happened to be working there for the summer. John and I had gone to the same culinary school and bonded on a school trip to Atlanta where we did more partying than anything else. That was the same trip that I met the Irish bartender who set me up with Seamus.

I spent 3 days on Block Island but can honestly say I only remember half of that. Every night was a party, since John had been working there for the last two months he knew all the good spots.

John worked at Poor Peoples Pub which is right in the center of town. We started the night off there drinking with most of his coworkers who had also just gotten off work. It seemed like all anyone did on that Island is work and drink haha. What a summer!

Poor Peoples Pub on Block Island

We headed on over to Divas shortly after where I was glitterbombed, I was finding glitter for a solid week after! The next day I just wandered around the island while John recovered from our night of partying. I was fortunately still young enough where I rarely got hangovers.

S'mores pizza
This heavenly looking pizza is a s’mores pizza, made at Poor Peoples Pub and HIGHLY recommended after a night of drinking

That night as I was waiting for John to get out of work I walked by a bar that appeared to have some cute guys in it. I was kind of a big chicken about the whole thing and ended up sitting across the bar from them. After a half hour of making eye contact with this one particularly cute guy, he came over to talk to me. Turns out he was from New Zealand! He was working on a cruise ship that was docked on the island for a few nights.

We decided to take a walk down to the beach. He kissed me as we listened to the waves crash along the shore. So romantic yet also the exact opposite of romance. I had met this guy an hour ago and didn’t even know his last name but the mood was very romantic.

Block Island, beach, rhode island
The very beach we fooled around on, gorgeous right?!

I had never fooled around on a beach and I doubt I will ever again. Sand, sand everywhere. I don’t know about you but the absolute last place I want sand is in my vagina. Instead, I gave the sandiest blow job of my life! Writing this I’m having flashbacks of the grittiness. Thankfully at that hour, the beach was fairly empty and only heard people once or twice but they were far off down the beach. He almost missed his curfew getting back to the ship oops!

I met up with John and his coworkers after at Poor Peoples Pub where we had a great rest of the night. We kept it pretty low key as the next night, Wednesday was ladies night at Kittens something I had been hearing about all summer.

During the day I met up with one of Johns friends, Issac who took me on a little tour of the island. It was nice to see the different viewpoints around the island. Issac and I ended up sending all afternoon together. He was a sweet guy and we got along pretty well. When John got out of work it was pretty obvious that he felt like shit. Issac offered to take me to Kittens and we sent John home to get some much-needed rest.

Rhode Island, bock island, beach
One of the viewpoints that Issac took me to on our little tour

Issac danced with me all night at Kittens! He wasn’t a great dancer by any means but neither am I. Just the fact that he was out there dancing with me made all the difference. I found it so sexy that he just didn’t care and was enjoying himself. We made out a little on the dance floor and when the bar closed he invited me back to his place. Of course, I said yes we both had been drinking too much to have sex so we just made out and fooled around for a bit before calling it quits and going to bed.

Kittens bar, block island, Rhode island

The next morning I certainly was hungover and let me tell you a ferry ride hungover is one of my worst life choices to date. Three days of nonstop partying was enough for me though there’s no way I could do that for an entire summer.

I took another long weekend trip in October to the White Mountains of New Hampshire which I will write a more detailed blog on later. New England in the fall is gorgeous but even that wasn’t enough to make me want to stay here. Shortly after that trip, I started looking into volunteer opportunities abroad. I knew I didn’t have the money to up and leave but I did need to get out for my own wellbeing, I just wasn’t happy anymore.

Then one day while I was scrolling through facebook an article came up. It was a blog about a woman who worked in the arctic tundra for a summer and got to see polar bears. That sounded like the coolest thing I had ever heard of. But I figured a job like that would probably get hundreds of applicants and that I couldn’t possibly have a chance.

A few months later in December of 2016, the blog post came up again on facebook and this time I said fuck it and I applied. They had a baker/breakfast cook position and while I wasn’t totally confident in my cooking abilities I figured breakfast was probably the easiest one to learn.

I honestly wasn’t expecting to hear back from them but less than a week later I got a phone call asking me to set up a phone interview. I couldn’t believe this was really happening.

After two phone interviews where the owner was very honest about the realities of the job and the location, I was offered the position. I was jumping up and down with excitement. I was actually getting out of Connecticut!

Alaska, Prudhoe Bay
Deadhorse, which is right outside of Prudhoe Bay was about to become my home

I accepted the job in January of 2017, but the job didn’t start for another four months. Fortunately, I had a couple of trips in between to keep myself distracted. Including a quick family trip to Savannah, Georgia and a road trip out to Denver Colorado!

Categories: United States


Hello! I am the creator of this blog as well as the woman behind all of these stories.